Transfer your existing phone number to NumberGarage

Port In Phone Numbers

Transfer your existing phone number to NumberGarage and use it as your business phone number.

Already have a great phone number? Transfer that number over and use it with our service.

You own your phone number and can move it to another service provider at any time. Once you transfer the number over, you can begin taking advantage of all our business features. We can accept the majority of wireless and landline phone numbers from the US and Canada.

Transfer your existing phone number to NumberGarage

How phone number port ins work


Get your account info

To start a transfer, you'll need current account info like name, address, account number and PIN.


Start a port in

You can start the port in process during sign up right on our site.


We'll do the work

We'll work with your current carrier to move the number over to our service.

Advanced port in tip

Porting a phone number can be a simple process, but without the correct account information, it will be delayed and get frustrating. Make sure to confirm your existing account information to port with your current service provider before starting a port.

Take off with NumberGarage

Don't start over with a new phone number.

  • Retain your existing number so customers can continue to reach you.
  • Upgrade it's features by switching to NumberGarage
  • Maintain ownership for future transfers or moves
  • You own your phone number. Save it.

Additional Features


Manage business calls, voicemail and text through a separate business phone number on your mobile phone.

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